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Digital Graphics


 I really enjoy doing artwork.  I never drew a thing until about 7-8 years ago, and I wanted to draw so I purchased some disposable rapidograph pens, checked out a couple books from the library, and I have been hooked for leisure time ever since.  I cannot say it is my favorite past time, I need a reason or I have to be in the right mood, but once I'm in it, I don't like to quit.  Been more than once I fell asleep woodburning or with my hand on the mouse, simply because I had exhausted myself and still refused to quit.

Here is a sampling of some of my digital graphics I have done for other websites, including a complete theme I had done for the Gourd Reserve website a few years back.








Animated Flash Banners & Ads







All digital graphics are property of The Gourd Reserve, or the persons for whom the artwork was done respectively.


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