Gourdpatch Quilt
A Gourd Patch, Patch Pals, Quilt Project
Pic and Bio Info


Part of the Quilt Committee's work is to produce a documented history of our quilt project and to do plenty of publicity about the quilt and the artists involved.

With that in mind, we're asking each of you to submit a photo of yourself and some biographical information. (We do NOT need a photo of your tile...Mug will take pictures of them as they arrive at Lynette's.)

Please send your personal photo and bio to Carmella Dunkin via e-mail or snail mail (preferably e-mail): dan_carmella@thegourdreserve.com (If you need to send your pic and bio through physical mail, please contact Carmella directly so she can give you her address privately.)

PHOTO - As professional as possible, without going to the expense of a studio shot. Show yourself off as nicely as you would one of your gourds. Dress appropriately and have a nice background. Outside photography is A OK too.

BIO - Maximum of 1200 words. Again, aim for professionalism...but a friendly paragraph or two about your family is also fine. Tell about how you discovered Gourds, the type of medium you like to use, stuff like that. Have fun with it, and you'll come up with an interesting bio that all will enjoy reading :)

The DEADLINE for submitting pic and bio: JUNE 30th

Questions? Contact Carmella: dan_carmella@thegourdreserve.com

Page Created by: Carmella Dunkin © 2003 The Gourd Reserve