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Prismacolor Art

by Dan Dunkin

We decided at one point to give art pencils a try. After seeing some of the beautiful stuff people on the internet were doing with Prismacolor's, we decided to give them a try. They are nice to work with, as just another medium. For practice, I did some playing on drawing paper, then did some experimentation to see what it would take to make them work on Gourds. Anyway, this is some of the fun I had tinkering....
57 'Vette, I've always liked red sports cars, and this one is a classic.

I started this off as just a scribble. I wanted to draw, but didn't know what. The top looks like it could be an alien type hand, or it could be a creature eating energy units, or....

It was more a color and blending practice

An Angel
Cross Bookmarks
Morrow Bay Rock
Two different attempts to draw ocean waves. I had no idea how to do water, and after doing these two pics, I still am not sure how I did it, or how to do it.
My own deco style peacock

Rapidograph Lion, the scan does no justice to this piece.








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